

We are experts in eye ball tracking and Emotional AI


  • Technology: Emotional AI, Eye Ball Tracking, Deep Learning, Computer Vision

Extensive research with the latest in AI in an entirely new method of assessing reading. Computer-based assessment determines reading attainment, as well as highlights children with specific difficulties, such as Dyslexia, all in a matter of minutes. With fully objective and web based results, which are paper and admin free, our assessment also reduces workload and quickly provides teachers with the information they need to support all children on their reading for pleasure journey.  .

Combine with the latest in both AI and eye tracking technology with the “human touch” of good teachers. Our machine learning algorithms are able to recognise correlations and patterns in eye movement data, so they can quickly and objectively determine a child’s reading attainment. Some of these patterns might even elude most human beings or other computer programmes, therefore, their introduction into the classroom can help offer teachers a different perspective when it comes to reading, as well providing the valuable information they need in minutes, without adding to workloads. .

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